Archive for March, 2008
David Myles – Our “Man in a Suit” at the Evergreen
The audience at the Evergreen Theatre was expecting the great performance they got from David Myles, as last year many had seen him when he opened for Charlie A’Court. They were NOT expecting to be part of an impromptu CD release party! He started off his set with an old favourite, “Things Have Changed” and […]
Posted: March 28th, 2008 under Photo Gallery announcements.
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Friday Night on Sunday Afternoon with Stan Carew and the Magpies!
The 2008 performance season at the Evergreen has started – with a sell-out performance! Why Friday night on Sunday afternoon? For those who don’t know, Stan Carew is a well-known Maritime CBC radio personality – host of Weekend Mornings . As he is on the air from early mornings on the weekend, Sunday afternoon is […]
Posted: March 13th, 2008 under Photo Gallery announcements.
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